So, what’s new in ES2022?
A presentation by Christophe Porteneuve at Confoo Montréal 2020
A presentation by Christophe Porteneuve at Confoo Montréal 2020
const christophe = {
family: { wife: 'Élodie', sons: ['Maxence', 'Elliott'] },
city: 'Paris, FR',
company: 'Delicious Insights',
trainings: ['360° ES', 'Modern Web Apps', 'Node.js', '360° Git', 'Webpack'],
webDevSince: 1995,
mightBeKnownFor: [
'Prototype and',
'Paris Web',
'NodeSchool Paris',
ECMA is an international standards body
(like ISO, IETF, W3C or WHATWG, to name a few)
ES = ECMAScript. The official standard for JavaScript*
TC39 = Technical Committee 39. Caretaker of several standards:
ECMAScript (ECMA-262), Intl
(ECMA-402), JSON (ECMA-404), etc.
Meetings every two months, mostly in the U.S. Yearly release in June.
“ES6” = ES2015, “ES7” = ES2016, and now we say ES2020, etc.
This is all transparent and public.
Stage | Description |
0 Strawman | “Say, it’d be nifty to get a Unicorn (🦄) operator to…” |
1 Proposal | A TC39 member becomes the proposal’s “champion.” The general shape of the API is defined, and most of the cross-cutting concerns are handled. |
2 Draft | The initial spec text is done, and covers all critical aspects and the tech semantics. |
3 Candidate | The spec is complete, duly reviewed and approved. The API is finalized and no stone is left unturned. |
4 Finished | Full Test262 coverage, 2+ shipped implementations (usually v8 and Spidermonkey), significant real-world feedback, and imprimatur by the Spec Editor. Will then be part of the next feature freeze (January-March), hence ship in the associated yearly release. |
class OldSchoolHOC extends Component {
render() {
// Rest on properties
const { component: Component, ...props } = this.props
return (
// …
<Component {...props} />
// Spread on properties
const DEFAULTS = { first: 'John', last: 'Doe' }
const person = { last: 'Smith', age: 42 }
const result = { ...DEFAULTS, ...person, age: 36 }
// => { first: 'John', last: 'Smith', age: 36 }
// Flag: “dotAll” / “singleLine”
'<p>line 1\nline 2\nline 3</p>'.match(/<p>.*<\/p>/s) // => '<p>…</p>'
// Named captured groups
const ATTR = /\s+(?<name>\w+)=(?<quote>['"])(?<value>.+?)\k<quote>/
const { name, quote, value } = '<p class="foo"></p>'.match(ATTR).groups
// => name === 'class', quote === '"', value === 'foo'
'<p class="foo"></p>'.replace(ATTR, '[$<name>=$<value>]')
// => '<p[class=foo]></p>'
// Lookbehinds (here a positive one)
'$10.53'.match(/(?<=\$)\d+(?:\.\d+)?/) // => ['10:53', …]
// Unicode Property Escapes
'By Ζεύς!'.match(/\p{Script=Greek}+/u)[0] // => 'Ζεύς'
Invoked regardless of the promise chain’s outcome (fulfilled or rejected), and does not alter that state.
So very much like the finally
block for a try
function doSomeOldSchoolAsync() {
return Promise.resolve()
.then(onSuccess, onError)
A promise-based variation of the synchronous iteration from ES2015.
Instead of implementing Symbol.iterator
, we implement Symbol.asyncIterator
Easily consumable using the new for await (… of …)
Node (10+) and WHATWG streams (e.g. Fetch) are asynchronous iterables.
async function echoLines(filename) {
const input = createReadStream(filename, 'utf-8')
for await (const line of input) {
console.log(`> ${line}`)
bindingSometimes you don’t need the error…
function safeRequire(pathspec) {
try {
} catch {
debug(`Could not load optional dependency ${pathspec}`)
The inverse of Object.entries
: builds an object from its key/value pairs.
function pick(src, ...propertyNames) {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(src).filter(([name]) => propertyNames.includes(name))
Finer-grained variations of ES2015’s trim()
that let us pick an extremity of the string.
const spaceyText = '\n\t hello world!\u00a0\n\n'
// => 'hello world!\u00a0!\n\n'
// => '\n\t hello world!'
flat(depth = 1)
“flattens” nested arrays up to a given depth.
const data = ['Alice', ['Bob', 'Claire'], ['David', ['Erin', 'Fred'], 'Georges']]
data.flat() // => ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Claire', 'David', ['Erin', 'Fred'], 'Georges']
data.flat(2) // => ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Claire', 'David', 'Erin', 'Fred', 'Georges']
flatMap(mapper[, thisArg])
runs a map
whilst flattening the result on the fly, at depth 1.
const data = ['Hey 😘 wassup? 😁', 'HBD 🎂 sweetheart 💖']
const extractEmojis = (text) => text.match(/\p{Emoji}/gu) // => [['😘', '😁'], ['🎂', '💖']]
data.flatMap(extractEmojis) // => ['😘', '😁', '🎂', '💖']
Grabs all group matches for a sticky or global regex.
const text = 'Get in touch at tel:0983450176 or sms:478-555-1234'
// => ['tel:0983450176', 'sms:478-555-1234'] -- 😞 WHERE THEM GROUPS AT?!
([, protocol, number]) => ({ protocol, number })
// => [{ number: '0983450176', protocol: 'tel' }, { number: '478-555-1234', protocol: 'sms' }]
Array.from(text.matchAll(/(?<protocol>[a-z]{3}):(?<number>[\d-]+)/g)).map((mr) => mr.groups)
// => [{ number: '0983450176', protocol: 'tel' }, { number: '478-555-1234', protocol: 'sms' }]
Dynamically imports ES Modules (“ESM”), using promises
(incidentally, this is the heart of Webpack’s automatic code splitting)
async function evaluate(code) {
const Babel = await import('@babel/standalone')
return Babel.transform(code, {
ast: true,
filenameRelative: 'exercice.js',
presets: ['stage-3'],
async function loadLocale(locale) {
const locale = await import(`./locales/${locale}`)
LocaleManager.registerLocale(locale, { activate: true })
“Arbitrary precision” (infinite) integers (> 253)
const theBiggestInt = 9007199254740991n
const alsoHuge = BigInt(9007199254740991)
// => 9007199254740991n
const hugeButString = BigInt('9007199254740991')
// => 9007199254740991n
const bigN = 2n ** 54n
// => 18014398509481984n
[42n === 42, 42n == 42]
// => [false, true]
3rd promise combinator (with all
and race
). any
is at stage 3.
The idea: doesn’t short-circuit, be it on the first rejection or fulfillment: we get all settlements for analysis.
await Promise.allSettled([wait(100), wait(50), throwAfter(75)])
// => [
// { status: 'fulfilled', value: 100 },
// { status: 'fulfilled', value: 50 },
// { status: 'rejected', reason: Error: 75 at… }
// ]
Finally a standardization of the “global object,” regardless of the environment!
(web page, frame, worker, process, Node…)
Depending on context, aliases to: window
, self
, global
and sometimes this
(not to mention edge cases).
To make resilient yet readable property chains.
user != null && user.names != null && user.names.first
user != null && user.signUp != null && user.signUp()
user != null && user.hobbies != null && user.hobbies[0]
To better handle default values.
// 50 only if `options.duration == null`
const duration = options.duration ?? 50
const easing = options.advanced?.easing ?? 'inOutCubic'
It’s nicer when you can read it.
const BILLION = 1_000_000_000 // You immediately know
const FEE_CENTS = 20_00 // Cents / centiles
const RATE = 2_90 // Ditto
const QUADS = 0b0010_1010 // “Quads” (4 bits)
const TX_VALUE = 1_234_5418 // Fixed point (4), financial
const WORDS = 0xDEAD_C0DE // “Words” (2 bytes)
3Until now, we could only await
in an async
But this can be super-handy for module initialization, etc.
import { engine, process } from './some-module.mjs'
// Might as well run these in parallel…
const engineModule = import(`./engines/${engine}.mjs`)
const data = fetch(url)
// And presto!
export const output = process((await engineModule).default, await data)
Already in Node REPL, Chromium DevTools console, Safari Web Inspector console.
Private methods (incl. accessors), static and instance fields (public / private)
class APIClient extends Component {
// Private instance field
#oauthToken = null
// Public static field
static propTypes = {
authServer: URLPropType.isRequired,
// Public instance field
state = { authenticated: this.#oauthToken != null, loggedIn: false }
// Private instance method
#shareAuthWith(recipient) {
// Demands that `recipient` be an `APIClient`
recipient.#oauthToken = this.#oauthToken
So much nicer for AOP… ES provides the plumbing and the ecosystem provides operational decorators.
class SuperWidget extends Component {
deauth() { … }
userFullName() { … }
logOut() {
this.#oauthToken = null
render() { … }
2Aims to (beneficially) replace Moment, Luxon, data-fns, etc.
Immutable, nanosecond-precise, has all TZ, distinguishes absolute vs. local, explicit…
Great complement to Intl
and its formatting functions.
const meeting1 = Temporal.Date.from('2020-01-01')
const meeting2 = Temporal.Date.from('2020-04-01')
const time = Temporal.Time.from('10:00:00')
const timeZone = new Temporal.TimeZone('America/Montreal')
const absolute1 = timeZone.getAbsoluteFor(meeting1.withTime(time))
// => 2020-01-01T15:00:00.000Z
const absolute2 = timeZone.getAbsoluteFor(meeting2.withTime(time))
// => 2020-01-01T14:00:00.000Z
Check out Maggie’s awesome talk at dotJS 2019!
Pipeline operator + partial application = 😍
Pattern matching! 😍
const getLength = (vector) => case (vector) {
when { x, y, z } -> Math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2)
when { x, y } -> Math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
when [...etc] -> vector.length
This is even better than traits, mixins or modules… The syntax is temporarily—and intentionally—verbose.
We publish about one new video course every month, mostly around Git and JS.
Or if that’s easier for you:
Christophe Porteneuve
Slides are at